At some point in your life, you will probably have to borrow money. This is part of today’s culture where people prefer to buy goods and services on credit rather than saving up and paying cash. The positive side of having to borrow money is you build up a credit record which is important for major purchases such as buying a house. If you don’t have a credit record you may have difficulty in borrowing money from most lenders.
Which is best for me??????
There are two main types of loans available on the market. Secured and unsecured. These are explained in more detail below. Before choosing the type of loan you need, consider the following points.
1. How much money do I need to borrow.
2. Over what period do I need to borrow the money.
3. How much can I afford to repay each month (or payment cycle).
Answering these questions will help you to decide on whether you should have a secured or unsecured loan.
Secured Loans
Secured loans (or homeowner) loans are secured against some form of collateral. These loans are usually secured against your house or car as they are normally a person’s biggest asset. By securing your loan against an item, it allows the lender to sell your house or car if you default on your loan repayments. By having the loan secured the lender is taking less risk in lending you money as there is a good chance of them getting their money back. This will result in a lower interest rate been charged on the loan. Secured loans are normally taken over a long period of time and for a large amount. A good example of a secured loan is a house mortgage.
Unsecured Loans
Unsecured (or personal) loans are not secured against any collateral or assets. The loan providers base their decision on whether or not to lend you any money on the basis of your credit rating. By scrutinising you credit rating helps the unsecured loan provider to determine the chance of you paying back the money they have lent you. If you have a poor credit rating or county court judgements (ccj’s) against you name, you may still be able to obtain an unsecured loan, however the interest rate you will pay will be much higher. This is due to the increased perceived risk for the unsecured loan provider.
Borrowing money can be stressful and is a major decision in your life. Always ensure you seek sound professional advice before borrowing any money and before signing any documents. Many loan providers work as independent agents on behalf of the banks and major money lenders. They can offer you free advice in the hope that you may borrow through them. Make sure that any advice you get has no strings attached and ask if there are any upfront fees for the advice. Use the internet to compare loan rates and terms and conditions so you know you are getting the best possible deal available before making the final decision on which lender you will borrow from.
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